Trainer: Dr. Bruce Piasecki, President and Founder, AHC Group, Inc.
Target group
Expertise: We aim our talks for general practitioners in the Corporate world, to select NGOs, and the leaders in ESG trends.
Training results
Awareness of major trends since the Paris Accord in corporate strategy at firms like Flex, Toyota, Fed Ex and other Corporate Affiliates of my firm noted at I am defining a set of new urgencies in Environmental Social and Governance programs that the best firms are responding to.
Required knowledge
- Academic knowledge
- Work experience: We do not place much emphasis on hurtles but give an inclusive passionate talk that reaches a range of those well trained and those early in their careers
Draft Agenda
- The Virtuous Circle of New World Urgencies
- Case Studies
- What is Responsible Investing?
- ESG Integration Into Your Business Model
- The Value Driver Model
- Benefits of ESG Training
- Case Studies – Insights
- Discussion Topics