Trainer: Georgia Kartsanis, CEO, SARGIA Partners &
President, CEO Clubs SE Europe
The globalised economy and the spread of connective technologies force the pace of change and the degree of complexity to shift for organisations to an entirely new level. To enjoy sustained success in this turbulent environment, organisations in all sectors need to develop a level of agility that matches this unprecedented level of change and complexity. This means learning to navigate constant change and to effectively manage increasing interdependencies with customers, strategic allies and other stakeholders – including the planet itself.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this workshop, participants are expected to meet the following learning objectives:
- What is Leadership Agility and why is needed more than ever
- The Leadership Agility Capacities to lead Organisational Change, Develop Teams and Handle Pivotal Conversations
- How to create a Culture of Agile Leadership
Learn how you can drive effectively sustainable transformation initiatives within your organisation.
Targeted Audience
Leaders who drive organisational transformation