Speaker: Sune Thorsen, Member of the Board, Osiris Labs
Plato: An empty vessel makes the loudest sound
- To highlight the global basis for corporate engagement with sustainable development and the SDGs
- Explain the need for training in meeting the global minimum standard for responsible business conduct; the UNGPs
- Point to the huge opportunities for organizational change in applying latest technologies to training
- What can Virtual Reality do to training?
Target group
Representatives of the business world (Sustainability/ESG Managers), sustainability professionals and policy makers from public sector, multilateral organisations and CSOs, everyone interested in organisational change towards responsible business conduct
Training Results
It is anticipated that this session will:
- Build awareness and knowledge about the global minimum standard for responsible business conduct and how it relates to the SDGs
- Enable participants to understand the need for training to bring about adequate responsiveness to adverse Human Rights impacts
- Enable participants to appreciate the huge opportunities for rapid and sustained organisational change, that latest training technologies can realise.
Required Knowledge
- Some knowledge of the concepts Corporate Social Responsibility/Responsible Business Conduct
- Some knowledge of the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (the UNGPs) and/or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises