Speaker: Dr. Bruce Piasecki, President and Founder, AHC Group Inc. (www.ahcgroup.com)
Talk based on his books New World Companies and World Inc. and the practice of his 52 Corporate Affiliates.
The 7 Business Values Enhanced by External Councils Are, in Our Limited Experience:
- Corporate mission and strategy more aligned and made consistent with global trends and social needs.
- They offer a way to maximize a firm’s positive impact on customers and communities.
- If a corporation is like a mansion in a neighborhood, these External Views, if selected with wisdom and experience, help firms assess their social worth more effectively beyond immediate jobs and markets.
- These groups of External Advisors can improve partnerships, and executive decision-making. We will talk about a few examples, if time permits
- These groups can help protect and enhance portfolio returns as they align with Environmental Social and Governance trends.
- Examples of Market Share growth in Toyota, Ingersoll Rand, others
- Helps strengthen brand and reputation.
In short Reputation + Social Response ==Improvements in Social Response Capitalism.
More at www.worldincbook.com and www.doingmorewithlessbook.com